Life got in the way

Someone asked me why I don’t do that something anymore and I replied with “life got in the way” and he laughed at me.

Not a usual kind of post today, I just wanted a little ramble.


I have been blogging for little over a year now, I try post often and I am very glad I have started. The other day I was going through old posts and thinking I should probably document more on my life to look back in the future but without being way too personal.  Continue reading

Red hair Inspiration 

   ‘Oh no you’re not dying your hair again’ My friend’s response when I sent her a picture of red hair.

Since I went back to brown, and that faded into another colour instead of putting a brown dye over it I decided ‘hey let me go red again’ it won’t be too Bright I decided to opt for a more dark auburn/brown colour. I have been bright red before but it faded quickly. Bright Red requires high maintenance to maintain it bright and shiny.

I would also would love to cut it into a ‘lob’ or cut a fringe like the one on the last row.

Au Revoir, stay Appley ever after.




Love, E.Z