10 Happy Feelings

Just 10 happy feelings for now.


Quiet Mornings.

Drinking warm cup of tea.

Watching a sunset or sunrise.

Scents that brings happy memories.

Watching a heavy rain when all warm and cosy inside.

Night drives with music on high volume.

Bonfire at the beach in summer.

Sitting by a fireplace.

Being around people you love.

Getting into clean new bedsheets after a bath.

Love, E

Have an awesome day. Appleyeverafter.

Life got in the way

Someone asked me why I don’t do that something anymore and I replied with “life got in the way” and he laughed at me.

Not a usual kind of post today, I just wanted a little ramble.


I have been blogging for little over a year now, I try post often and I am very glad I have started. The other day I was going through old posts and thinking I should probably document more on my life to look back in the future but without being way too personal.  Continue reading

Paris haul

perfume, versace, jimmy choo, paris keyring

i am a perfume addict, when i see perfume i like i have to buy it. In the airport there was a good deal on the perfume that i really liked. they were selling two, 40ml for £40. Me and one of my friends bought two different ones and shared it. We were very happy, like a child in a sweet shop happy. We bought Versace crystal (light pink bottle) and Versace yellow diamond. Then we discovered jimmy choo was also having the same offer so, we had to get that one too. i also had my eye on Chloe Love Story, guess i can get that next time.

Versace Crystal has a very light and fresh smell, perfect for day time, as well as the yellow diamond. However Jimmy Choo has more darker notes which makes it more suitable for the night time.

perfume, versace, jimmy choo

inside the eiffel tower, we fell for the pretty touristy souvenirs. We saw these cute eiffel keyring with bows. one was silver, one was red and a black one, obviously i love black colour so this was very me. My friends bought the other two colours, We each have a colour which derived from our Halloween costume last year we were the red, white and black angels.

paris keyring with a bow

I decided to buy a keyring from whereever i go.

Today is a new year in some parts of the world and the first day of spring, happy Novruz, wishing you all a lovely year and a very fun and warm spring full of happiness.

Appley ever after. 

Love, E.Z

Sunday scribbles 

It’s that time again, where I share what I loved about the week. This week was bit too fast, I had so much to catch up with at Uni- still haven’t quite caught up. I only missed few days and it feels like I missed half of the book and it wasn’t so fun when the lecturer picked me in the lecture to answer the difference between ‘job batch costing’ and ‘standard costing’ he only picked on me because he knew I missed few of his lessons.

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